Managed Marketing for Growth-Driven Businesses

Extinction of the Online Brochure

April 10, 2016
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It isn’t enough to claim a sliver of the internet, secure a domain and announce to the world that you have “gone live”! Merely establishing an online footprint and quietly existing is a waste–of time, energy and money. This particular flavor of website, largely popular in the early 2000s, is considered an online brochure; a static site that lacks in engagement and mobile responsiveness with little to no social media interaction.

In other words, having a website that behaves like an online brochure is akin to employing a lazy sales rep–the kind that drinks free coffee and watches YouTube videos all day long. This site is doing nothing to acquire new business on your behalf. In fact, the only way to find a static, brochure website is to type the correct company name into the search field of the browser. This means that your customers will not be finding your offerings in a Google search and potentially new customers might not be finding you at all.

How to Identify a Brochure-Style Website

Not sure if your site is a deprecated online brochure?
Ask yourself the following questions:

1.) Does my site look good across all devices of the following devices: desktop, laptop, tablet, phone?
2.) Does my site have a blog that is updated regularly (at least once a month) with fresh content?
3.) Are there social media links embedded on my site?
4.) Have you or your designer leveraged Search Engine Optimization techniques on a per page basis throughout the site?

If you answered “No” to 2 or more of the above, then it’s absolutely time to make an upgrade. Click here to read more about considering a website overhaul.

Having a website that behaves like a brochure is akin to employing a lazy sales rep–the kind that drinks free coffee and watches YouTube videos all day long.

If your business plan isn’t just to survive — but to grow and flourish–then its time to get serious about your online efforts. Web design and strategy is the last place for a business of any size to cut corners. Consider hiring a team of intelligent and web savvy folks to draw up a solid marketing plan, put together a social media schedule and even write fresh and engaging content for your site. You may not have time to pay lots of attention to your website and that’s ok. But a simple, static site is no longer enough. Once you’ve infused some interactivity into your website, not only will you rank higher on Google but you will find yourself with an enthusiastic online customer following to boot.

Need some ideas for giving your website a boost?

Getting started might may be daunting, but it will be well worth your return on investment. And once you find the right team, you might be surprised at just how easy (and fun!) the process can be.

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