Managed Marketing for Growth-Driven Businesses

How to Get TONS of Content Out of One Single Blog Post

July 17, 2019
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A few questions you’ve probably asked yourself: “What is the point of blogging?”, “Who’s gonna read it?”, “Who cares?” As it turns out, a lot of people do actually care what you have to say. If you are an expert on something, or you have an opinion about a particular topic, you should share it! These are completely valid pieces of information that people are actually quite interested to hear.

When it comes to blogging, think first and foremost about the things that people ask you often. Think about those frequently asked questions and write a blogpost around that.

What does blogging do?

  • It provides key positioning which helps to establish your authority within your space.
  • Blogging heightens the connection to your audience.
  • It gives you a way to pull traffic through back to your site through search engine optimization.
  • It’s valuable, unique content that you can share on your social channels.

repurpose your blog content

How to repurpose your blog content

The more eyeballs you can direct to your content, the better. It can give your online visibility a boost and allows people to become more aware of your brand or services.

1. Record a video

Create an outline of your talking points and post it next to your web cam so your eyes are up, you have a plan and are ready to go! Once the video is complete, send it to a team mate for transcription or look into using a cost effective service like From there, the new written content becomes a quick and easy blog post (much like this one!). You can also embed the original video since we all know that video has a much higher conversion rate!

In the meantime, be sure to add that video Facebook, Instagram and YouTube complete with keyword rich descriptions.

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2. Share on social media

Once your blog post is live, blast it to all social media channels. You should also consider adding them on Medium and LinkedIn too. You went to the trouble to create this content, so why not post it everywhere?

3. Create an infographic

An infographic is a visual representation of the concepts you’re touching on. It can also act as a visual guideline for your blog post. Some people prefer visuals as opposed to reading long blogposts. Everyone consumes content differently!

So hand the blog copy off to a designer on your team or perhaps hire someone on — it will be well worth your time and money!

4. Create downloadable version of your content

Downloadable information (aka ‘lead magnets’) can be created in the form of a checklist, workbook or ebook that your customer can skim easily. In exchange for this valuable content, it’s important to have your visitors fill out a form — complete with their email address — in order to access the material. By capturing this information you know have permission to can send them email correspondences and continue to nurture them and market to them over time.

5. Send newsletters

Now that you’ve published a blog post, it’s time to let everyone know! Fire up your newsletter pack it full of consistently valuable content (including your most recent post). Who knows, they may even share it to their social platforms!

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6. Reach out to people

A few weeks after you publish a blog post, you could tap other people within your industry and have them leave suggestions and comments about the blog post itself. This is a great way to minimize the amount of work that you have to do and give people the opportunity to show up within your blog.

Creating content takes time. You want to make sure that you’ve done your research, it’s written well and that you’ve taken your audience into consideration at all times. That is why it’s important to repurpose your blog content and get the most out of it, helping people and making friends along the way!

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