Managed Marketing for Growth-Driven Businesses

Why You Can’t Afford to NOT be on a Website Care Plan

February 20, 2020
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There is a good chance that your website was a significant business investment. It isn’t cheap to create a well designed, high performing website and for good reason; a truly successful website will elevate your business brand, solidify your authority and collect leads in your absence.

A quality website needs to be maintained and protected–much like a home or a car. You wouldn’t buy a car without the understanding of it needing regular maintenance, would you?

As it turns out, ignored or neglected websites will only lead to trouble down the road–and in some cases can even be dangerous. Much like a home or a car, if left unattended for too long, leaks can occur, critters may find a way in or the foundation may become compromised. Many business owners don’t usually check their website to see if it’s up and running–all of which is absolutely preventable!

What is a Website Care Plan?

At its very core, a website care plan ensures that your website is functioning to its fullest potential at all times. But some of the finer details of a web care plan often include:

  • Uptime and security monitoring
  • Software updates
  • Performance optimization (increasing speed and load times)
  • Daily website backups (in case anything were to happen to the site like a security breach or server crash)
  • Security patches
  • Web developer support time (for updating the website content itself)

A solid care plan will include all of the above (or more). A dependable care plan will give you peace of mind that your site is being protected and maintained by professional web professionals on a monthly basis.

A Website Care Plan is a ‘Must Have’ for the Following Reasons:

website care security

Website security and improved performance

A monthly website care plan will make sure that your plugins, themes, and software are updated regularly, leaving them much less susceptible to malicious attacks. These updates will also improve performance and load times.

Updated website content

Google loves fresh content and so does your audience. If fresh content isn’t part of your marketing strategy currently, I want to urge you to reconsider! By posting to a blog regularly or freshening your website content to reflect client needs and latest offerings, you are significantly increasing the likelihood of your website showing up in search results.

But who has the time to update their web content on a weekly basis? With the right care plan in place, simple content and image updates are often covered in the plan. Simply send your new content to your web care team at the top of each week and you’re good to go! No need to login and do it yourself when you already have a plan in place 🙂

Improves maintenance workflow

Is it possible for you to do the website maintenance yourself? Of course! If you’re tech savvy and confident in managing a website, then by all means give it a try! However, most business owners and/or marketing managers rarely have the time to do so (these tasks often get put off as the to-do list steadily grows). With a website care plan, there is a process already in place that ensures your website performs at its best and is taken care of every single month. At AlchemyThree, we send a full report to each of our clients, providing a detailed record of all completed monthly maintenance. With a care plan in place, you are ensuring that the details aren’t being missed and that you have a team on your side to answer questions and prevent cyber threats.

Saves you lots of time and effort

Running a business is no joke! Depending on your industry and/or position, there is a very good chance that you have better things to do than run required maintenance on a website.You are likely busy doing other things–like bringing in new business, making connections or servicing your clients! When you have a trusted team maintaining your site, you can rest assured that the professionals have it taken care of 😉

It’ll save you money in the long run

Again, like a car or home, it will cost you more money to fix a broken or compromised website than it would to sign on for a monthly care plan. Think about it: does it make more sense to maintain a furnace yearly or replace the whole unit every couple years? Does it make monetary sense to get an oil change for your car every few months or place the engine every few years?

It’s a no-brainer, right?

It’s the exact same concept for your website. On the low end, your site may become bloated and run slow, turning customers away. On the alarming end, your site could get hacked–which can lead to stolen information and a complete website rebuild.

You decide.

If you have questions about which website care plan is best for you, send us a message and we’d be happy to chat! You can also visit our Web Care Package page for additional information.

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