Improve your online visibility with these 5 easy steps

July 31, 2018
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The Internet is vast and unwieldy; a huge place that can present massive opportunities to the virtually unknown. We can reach massive success with a click of a button or be taken down just as quickly in 220 characters or less. Despite these sea changes and shifts in culture, many businesses that are still reluctant to accept that the internet is here to stay and that there are benefits to embracing those pixel. There is much to benefit from online marketing–it’s time to step up and own your digital reputation!

It’s never too late to get started.

So without further ado, here are 5 easy steps on how you can improve your brand’s online visibility:


Search engine optimization (SEO) improves your brand’s visibility online and increases your chances of showing up when certain terms are typed into the search bar. By using very simple SEO techniques, you can increase your chances of showing up on Google’s search result page.

If you’re interested in learning a few quick and easy steps to improving your SEO rankings CLICK HERE.


If your business don’t have a blog, it is time you build one. A blog is a marketing tool that helps you to share your thoughts, brand personality and be genuinely helpful to your customers. The more content you write on your blog, the more online visibility you will gain. Publishing regularly and consistently is a great way to attract traffic to your website, boost rankings and build an attentive audience. Click here to read a recent post on why blogging is important to your online strategy.

“If your clients are unable to find credible online review for your services, there is a good chance they will go elsewhere.”

Online reviews

Online reviews are, in my opinion, some of the most valuable (and easiest!) kind of content that a business can acquire. These genuine reviews build credibility, position you as a trusted provider and boosts your rankings online. Your customers are vetting you based largely on your reviews (or lack thereof) so it’s worth putting in the time and energy to ask for them. If your clients are unable to find credible online review for your services, there is a good chance they will go elsewhere.It is also important to listen to what your customers are saying about you. Use these online reviews as a way to connect with your customers and improve the way you do business.

improve online visibility with social media

Social Media

Most humans are connected to their mobile devices around the clock. Who doesn’t check their social media accounts at least a handful of times each day? Can you afford not to be there?? Ensure that your brand’s social media profiles are branded and optimized to increase your online visibility. These social channels appear frequently on Google search results so it’s important to have a solid, thoughtful and reputable presence. You can also use social media to engage with your customers, by asking them questions and encouraging them to interact with your brand.. These efforts help to  maintain relationships with existing customers and gain the attention of potential customers.

Website Makeover

Of course, in order to come full circle, a respectable website is also in order.  You need to have a nice place for your customers to land and learn more. This site needs to be clean, easy to navigate, fast loading and mobile friendly. If your site is over 5 years old, it may be time to seriously consider a redesign. Since your site is essentially the online version of your business, you need to be willing to spend some serious time–and perhaps money–to get your website where it needs to be; a social hub and lead generating machine.

The following are strong indicators that you need a new website:

  • It looks terrible on a mobile device
  • The site is over 5 years old
  • Slow load time
  • Broken or missing images

Create a plan and prioritize your online marketing strategies for best results. By doing the above mentioned steps, you could give your business a serious boost in no time!

Free Download: On-site SEO Checklist

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