LinkedIn Tips & Tricks: Boost Your Profile in 10 Minutes
December 11, 2018
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Making sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date is probably something way down on your to-do list. But giving your profile some TLC is important so you give prospective clients and employers the most relevant and current information about you.

Updating your profile doesn’t mean you’ll need to block out huge chunks of time. Small improvements can have a big impact, so we’ve listed a few tips and tricks to boost your profile in just 10 minutes or less!

1. Update Your Profile Photo

Your photo is like your virtual handshake so it should show you’re friendly, likeable and trustworthy. It’s time to delete that selfie and get professional. Not sure what photo you should use? Here are some tips:

  • Use a current photo – not one from 10 years ago
  • Choose one that looks like you on a daily basis
  • Your face should take up 60% of the frame
  • Your expression should be friendly and approachable
  • Wear professional clothes, not jogging gear
  • Choose a plain background.

linkedin tips

2. Add (or Update) Contact Information

Make sure your email, phone number (if you’re comfortable), website and other (professional) social media platforms are listed on your profile.

While you’re at it, make your profile public. This one simple change will make your profile show up more often in Google searches. Find out how to check your account settings to make sure your public profile is visible.

3. Update Your Location

Recruiters tend to use the advanced search function based on location, so updating your location will help you be found and connected. It’s also beneficial when you take your network offline. For example, a networker will see that you live in the same city so he or she might invite you for a coffee or to a cool event.

“It only takes five minutes to update your new job information, so make this a priority.”

4. Update Your Current Position

If there’s one thing you should always do when you switch jobs, it’s to make sure your LinkedIn profile reflects your current position, along with title, location and responsibilities. It only takes five minutes to update your new job information, so make this a priority.

5. Improve Your Headline

Your headline is one of the first things people see when they view your profile. Most people list their current title or position but this is a default setting. Instead, you should add a compelling and unique headline that will make you stand out from the crowd. This article will show you how to write a memorable headline.

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6. Create a Customized URL

Having a customized LinkedIn URL makes it so much easier to direct people to your profile. Also, make sure it is professional and appealing. You can simply use your first name and last name. Here’s how to do it in 3 easy steps:

  1. Click on your profile
  2. Click edit public profile & URL
  3. Go to Edit URL and click the edit pen.

7. Be Strategic About Your Endorsements & Skills

You may have a lot of endorsements and skills on your LinkedIn, and although that’s great, having too many meaningless ones can make your profile appear unfocused. Only keep ones that are key for your role and industry and also, reorder lists so the most important skills are first.

linkedin tips

8. Request a Recommendation

Online reviews are good for businesses and also for people. Testimonials definitely go a long way and will reflect the fact that you’re an awesome worker. Take a few minutes to ask your past or current colleagues for recommendations.

9. Curate Your Groups

If you have joined a bunch of groups before, then take your time to browse through the list and remove those groups that are not helpful. Then look for two to three groups that look interesting enough to join in. When joining groups, consider your desired industry, location and job titles.’

linkedin tips

10. Follow the Right People

LinkedIn isn’t just about connecting with people in your personal network. Make sure you also connect with industry leaders and influencers and fill up your newsfeed with relevant articles to inspire and motivate you.

As you can see, you don’t need a lot of time to update your LinkedIn profile. Action one of these tips per day and you’ll soon have a stronger, more searchable profile.

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