Managed Marketing for Growth-Driven Businesses

The Case for Social Media

January 23, 2016
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We live in an amazing time to run a small business.

Thanks to the Internet, social media and it’s leveling of the playing field, small businesses have the opportunity to go toe-to-toe with big companies. Anyone in the world can upload a video or write a post that can capture the attention of millions. Money isn’t the only thing that talks these days and content is king.

At AlchemyThree, we have a number of clients that struggle with how to jumpstart their social media efforts. There are so many options and platforms and profiles to manage. Which social sites are the most appropriate and how can you get them all to play nice? Is it really worth the effort??

Quite often money isn’t even the issue: it’s time. Small shops and solo practitioners wear several, if not all, styles of hats required to run a successful business. Who has the time and energy to make silly posts on Facebook? What about a blog? That’s WAY out of the question!

Allow me to state my case. Three of them, in fact.

Case study #1: Facebook

Facebook is the most visited website of all the websites. Of all the websites.

If your business doesn’t have a Facebook presence, it’s not a question of if you’re missing out on leads but just how many leads are you missing? It should also come as no surprise that 56% of these billions of Facebook users are checking their accounts every single day. If your business manages to post something thoughtful and helpful at least a few times a week you are more likely to stay top of mind, boost your authority and infuse a sense of tech-savvy relevancy to your brand.

Case study #2: Twitter

Twitter is a way to engage in short, concise conversations. Unlike Facebook, Twitter has a character limit of 140 and a significantly lower content lifespan (92% of all engagement with Tweets happen within the first hour of the post being made). Twitter is less about social connections and more about following particular topics and areas of interest. Did I mention that there are 120,000 tweets sent every second of every day?

Coincidentally, 53% of Twitter users recommend companies and products on Twitter. 64% are more likely to buy the products and brands that they follow online. In other words, if your company isn’t bothering to contribute to the online conversation, then you’re squandering the potential of a solid Twitter following. Customers like to feel special and Twitter, if used properly, can be a wonderful tool for humanizing and personalizing your brand.

Case study #3: LinkedIn

Let’s face it: solid business relationships rarely begin with an in-person introduction. We are each being vetted the moment we ask for an introduction, respond to a job posting or submit an RFP. Think about it: you’re looking for a dry cleaner—you Google it. You’re headed to a restaurant, you check out reviews ahead of time. Someone inquires about your services or is seeking a potential hire—you check out their LinkedIn profile.

Some folks find it unsettling to have their profiles viewed prior to an initial meeting or signing on the dotted line. But instead of feeling unsure and reticent—flip it—and use this profile to your advantage! LinkedIn is an incredibly powerful tool that enables you to showcase your talents, link to past projects and forge/nurture business relationships that may have otherwise been impossible or unthinkable. The trick is to give your profile some attention and make small touches with friends, colleagues and clients throughout the week.

So in conclusion…YES.
Social media is absolutely worth your time.

With a some careful planning and diligence, you can expand your reach, build trust and increase brand loyalty with very little monetary investment. And unlike direct mail and print advertising, digital content never goes away!

So roll up your sleeves, grab another cup of coffee and dig in!

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