Managed Marketing for Growth-Driven Businesses

5 Ways Videos Can Enhance Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

June 11, 2021
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Have you ever heard the phrase, “Video is king”? Now more than ever, people are consuming record amounts of video online. There’s a reason that we recommend video content for a successful social media strategy. 

A 2020 Nielsen study found that YouTube reached more 18- to 49-year-old adults in the U.S. than all linear network TV. That statistic alone should be enough to convince your business to invest in video content and video marketing. Video content has a marketable effect for businesses, too. 1 in 4 consumers made a purchase after seeing a story on Instagram, according to an Animoto study

But that’s not all. Search engines like Google as well as social media algorithms (especially Facebook!) heavily favor video content. That’s because it’s what users want above all else. What’s more, 78% of people report watching videos online each week, with 55% of those watching on a daily basis. The average person will spend 100 minutes each day watching an online video in 2021.

Video is an essential part of any successful digital content and social media marketing strategy. Investing in video content may seem expensive and timely, but the benefits are invaluable – video content can be infinitely repurposed into short video snippets, blog posts, lead magnets, infographics, and more! In short: thoughtful, authentic video content can take your business to the next level. 

Still on the fence about video content? Here are some of the reasons why video content is crucial for any business, and our go-to tips for using video content.

Feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to start?

video content digital

Are you guilty of putting off video content because you simply don’t know where to start? Many small businesses feel that creating video content for content and social media purposes is out of reach. With just a small team of staff, taking the time to put together a powerful and effective video can seem like a stretch, especially if your team lacks the experience. 

Here are some common excuses and concerns:

  • I don’t have the background in video content production
  • I don’t have the time to make videos
  • I don’t have the budget to make a professional video 
  • I don’t think I can make a professional video 

But don’t worry, it’s not just you: 16 percent of marketers who don’t currently use video say it’s because they lack the time, and 17 percent of marketers who don’t currently use video say it’s because it’s too expensive, according to Wyzowl

Across the globe, consumer attitudes in the U.S. and abroad continue to shift. It’s important to keep your video content strategy relevant to what your audience wants. In fact, research from Google and YouTube during the 2020 pandemic gives us a better glimpse into why users want AND need social media video content today. The study is based on more than 4,000 insights from Americans across the country.

Brands continue to hold back when it comes to video content, and they’re missing out on a whole world of benefits.

Why video content is much more engaging 

Video content is a powerful tool in any marketer’s tool belt. By its very nature, video content is much more engaging than your standard text post or image post. Using videos can be a much more engaging way to capture and maintain your audience’s attention. In fact, viewers claim they retain 95% of a message when obtained via video

Videos can also help consumers feel more connected to your products and services, too. In one 2020 study, respondents said that videos were the number one way consumers discovered a brand they later purchased a product from. In that same study, 84% of people say that they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video.

Here are three big benefits of using video content for businesses:

  1. Videos capture your audience’s attention. People spend hours each day watching videos on social media. Your customers are already using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to engage with videos. All you have to do is create the content for your customers so they can engage with YOUR brand. Making your social media videos stand out is key. 

  1. Videos lead to higher engagement. Social media videos should be easy to watch, easy to absorb, and easy to share. A well-made video will have elements of viral videos that prompt users to share it – and that usually means combining information with entertainment. For many platforms, videos are shared at a remarkably higher percentage than links and text combined. Videos will often lead to much higher engagement across your pages!

  1. Videos drive conversations. It’s hard to put aside the elephant in the rooms: sales and purchases. But your social media marketing shouldn’t be completely divorced from your company’s goals. Video content on social media can lead to far greater sales. People are much more likely to buy your product or service after watching a video. 

Our top 5 tips: using video to enhance your social media marketing

video content editing

Once you’ve decided to take the leap and try out video marketing, it’s important to ensure you have a proper action plan. There’s nothing worse than putting in all that effort, only to find that your video flopped. These are some of our top tips to enhance your social media marketing using videos. 

  1. Consider what type of video works best for your business. From promotional videos to explainer videos, there are several different types of video content. For the best results, consider targeting exactly what type of message you want to convey and then figuring out which format works best for you. It’s all about having a catchy concept and building a great video for the social media platform! 

  1. Use video editing platforms. Don’t be afraid of editing videos! Nowadays, there are dozens of user-friendly video editing platforms that come with pre-made templates and branding tools. It’s never been easier to create powerful, effective video content fit for every platform. A few easy-to-use editors include FilmoraGo, Adobe Spark and iMovie. 

  1. Consider making lifestyle content, not sales pitches. If your goal is using video to sell products and services, it may be tempting to make your video a straight-up sales pitch. Don’t fall into this trap! The most successful videos on social media focus more around lifestyle content and narratives, not sales pitches. 

  1. Have fun with it. Don’t be afraid to let loose a little and allow your brand voice to shine through! No one likes watching the same-old-same-old, boring videos. It might not seem natural at first, but it’s important to have a little fun when making your video and let your brand’s personality shine through. 

  1. Use client testimonials. If you want to win over potential customers, consider adding client testimonials to your videos. Videos with testimonials and reviews are great for growing your reputation online and establishing trust with your audience. 

Taking the leap

More and more businesses are turning to video content when building their marketing strategies, and there’s a good reason why. Diversifying your social media marketing is a smart way to take advantage of the algorithm and reach your business’s goals!

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